Hello Lovelies!
I have a different type of blog post for you today! I thought I would let you get to know me and my personality better by going through the alphabet and revealing some of my personality traits, hobbies, fave things to do, and even some of my fave products!
A-ccesorize: I love accessioning any outfit!! I feel that no outfit is complete without either some jewellery, a hat, or even a cute purse! (btw, statement necklaces are my fave accessory!)
Gold chain necklace makes any outfit pop! |
B-ubbly: I am usually very happy and perky a lot of the time and I have so much enthusiasm. I love spreading positive energy and making others happy! ;)
(what am I doing?!) haha |
C-anadian: I love letting my creativity shine through. It makes me who I am!
Our winter usually lasts up to 6 months!! Btw, this was taken at Winterlude!
D-addy's girl: What can I say! I will be and have always been a daddy's girl <3 Love you Dad!
Me and my dad in Greece! |
E-nthusiastic/excitable: I am very spirited and love encouraging people. I am always very excited to participate and am eager to meet new people! ( I seriously don't know how I don't have a lack of energy! :P)
Apparently I was really excited about finding a frog!
F-riends: I am so lucky to have such amazing friends! I can count on them and they always know the right things to say! (sorry if this is sappy...but it's true) They know me so well and there is never a dull moment when I'm with them!
Attempting the pyramid.... |
G-reek: I am 100% Greek and I am part of a big Greek Family! I love being Greek, and all the yummy food that comes with it! Souvlaki and Tzatziki has to be my fave! Not to mention that Greece is like a second home to me, and is so beautiful! Couldn't be more proud to be Greek!
Just some of my beautiful Big Fat Greek Family <3 |
H-appy: It is important to feel happy in life, and I am so happy that I have so many opportunities in life, and I can share them with those who love me. When you're happy, others tend to be happy!
Couldn't be happier to have such an amazing sister <3
I-taly: Italy has to be my favourite place that I've ever visited. The culture is rich and the food is to die for! Plus, I'm a sucker for Italian accents! ;)
On a gondola ride in Venice <3 |
The most delicious pasta I've ever had!!! |
J-oyful: A happy heart and fun spirit is what guides you!
K-ate Spade: Kate Spade is probably one of my favourite stores! It is very pricey, but a girl can definitely window shop! ;) My favourite KS print would have to be the polka dot print!
L-ove for Animals: I love animals and I feel that it is important to treat them well and take care of them!
Yes...this is me dressed as a Dalmation! I loved
animals from the start! |
M-akeup: You already know this one, but I thought I would share it anyways! Anything that has to do with makeup is so interesting to me! :)
My DIY flower pot makeup containers! |
N-ew shoes: A girl can never have too many shoes!
O-rganization: Organization makes me so happy! (Especially an organized closet!)
My dream closet ;) |
P-entatonix: I have been obsessed with this a capella group for a long time now. If you have not listened to them, you should give them a try! You will be hooked!
Q-ueen: Enough said!
OMG! I seriously have no words.... |
R-eligious: I am Greek Orthodox. I love practising my religion and going to church!
Easter service at my church. |
S-hopaholic/fashionista: Obviously, I love fashion and style! I think it's cool that everyone can have their own style that expresses who they are! I would say my style is Flirty Business Casual!
Little Black Dress, Black heeled boots, leather jacket, and
a bright blue colour blocked clutch! "Oo la la" ;) |
T-ravel: I love to travel, especially with my family and friends! I love experiencing different cultures, learning new languages, and trying new things! (one of which was swimming with dolphins!)
Swimming with the dolphins in the Mayan Riviera |
U-niversity of Ottawa: I will be attending the University of Ottawa in the Fall. I will be getting my Honours Bachelor in Public Relations.
V-ocal: I am currently a Vocal student at Canterbury High School, and even though I am not going into music next year, I will keep singing! I love it!
Singing Christmas carols in the Byward market! |
W-indow shopping: I might have a small obsession with window shopping...(okay, a huge obsession)!! I tend to start by window shopping and then end up purchasing! I can't help myself!
Shopping in Italy! |
X-OXOXO: The love I have for you lovelies!! Thanks to everyone who reads my blog!
Y-outube addict: Where do I even begin!
Just some of my fave youtubers! |
Z-ara: This is my favourite store of all time! It has such a wide selection and although it is a bit more on the expensive side, their clothes are really good quality!
I would like to tag the following blogger to do this tag! I think it is such a cool way to get to know more about someone and their personality!! :)