
DIY: Ugly Christmas Sweater!

Hello lovelies!

Tis the season for everything Christmas, and you know what that means....UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATERS!!

I know that you can always go and buy an ugly Christmas sweater but I thought why waste your money when you could do a DIY sweater.

Materials you will need:

1) Sweater of your choice (I suggest something with a festive colour)
2) Glue gun
3) Pompoms
4) Pipe-cleaners
5) Ribbon
6) Bells
7) Basically any Christmas related item you want showcased on your fabulous sweater!

My sweater! I decided to go with: "Ho Ho Ho!"

Step 1:

Plug in your glue gun to make sure it gets nice and hot. While this is heating up, you can start by taking a piece of cardboard or even some paper and put it in between the two sides of your shirt. This is so the glue from the glue gun does not leak onto the back side of your sweater. I found a really cheap sweater at Walmart but you could use an old sweater as well!

Step 2:

Get out all your materials for decorating! You can be as creative as you want for this part! I started by gluing my green pipe-cleaners in a triangle to make the shape of a Christmas tree! Then I added bows, ribbon, and pompoms as ornaments on the tree. Finally I put a big bow on top as the star! (maybe write ho ho ho! ) Your design doesn't have to be perfect! The uglier, and tackier the better (in my opinion)!!

Step 3:
Wait for your sweater to dry for a good few hours just to ensure that the glue is completely dry.

Step 4:
Show off your new Ugly Christmas Sweater to your friends and family! I love wearing these to festive parties, or school spirit days!

I hope you enjoyed this fun tutorial and have a very Merry Christmas!


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